What is “Street Peace of Art” ?

私は世界中が笑顔に満ちることを願い「Street Peace of Art」プロジェクトで笑顔を描き続けます。





しかし、この年になって深く考えるようになり、アートに何ができるのか、自分は一体何者なのか、人はなぜ生きているのか、などを考えるようになってきました。それを形にしたものが「street peace of art」です。”Street Peace of Art”は平和への思いをひとつの形にしたものです。まだ、考えを言葉にできていない部分が多くありますが、短い文章を書いたので読んでいただければ光栄です。





この方法は賛同するアーティストによって異なる形になるでしょう。唯一、アートを使いストリート上でコミュニケーションを持ち、コラボレーションするということだけが「Street Peace of Art」の方法です。賛同するアーティストが作品を発表するときは、”#Street_Peace_of_art”のタグだけをつけてください。


A smile is 100 different people, your smile, my smile, every smile is a perfect smile.”
Smiles are a chain of smiles that lead the world to peace.
I will continue to paint smiles with my “Street Peace of Art” project in the hope that the world will be filled with smiles.
So far, we have collected smiles using iPhones in Graz, Taipei, New York, and Tokyo, and brought them back home to draw smiles.
This is a selfish activity, but we hope you will support and assist us.

The most important thing for people to live as human beings is to enrich their minds.
For this purpose, what is important is cultural activities and the spirit of art.

I feel that today’s society often singles out “art” as if it were something sublime and exclusive, painted by famous artists. It is of course true that there are powerful religious paintings displayed in museums and attractive “art” that is sold at auctions for high prices.

However, such works of art are not the only ones that have the “power” to give dreams and hope to the viewer.
There is also great power in a small work of art painted by your own child or by an artist you know.

I am a dreamer. For a long time, many people have asked me, “What is the purpose of painting, HAL_-san?” to which I would reply, “To make the world peaceful. However, I just wished for peace vaguely, without any concrete action or theoretical idea of what exactly I would do.

However, at this age, I began to think deeply and began to consider what art can do, who I am, why people live, and so on. This is what I have given form to “street peace of art.” street peace of art” is a form of my thoughts about peace. There are still many parts of my thoughts that I have not been able to put into words, but I would be honored if you would read the short text I have written.

For me, painting is a means of communication. Communication is not only through words, but also through visual expressions that convey information and emotions. The drawing process I propose is different from the traditional method, and allows me, as an artist, to communicate with the people of the city in a new way.

The following drawing process is very burdensome for the person who will be modeling, so we have changed the process so that only pictures are taken on the spot.

I go out into the city with my canvas. I then do a blind drawing for 3-5 minutes while looking at the person I am approaching. When I am done, I ask the person I am facing to draw over what they are thinking in letters and shapes on the canvas. This is all there is to it.

By having the artist and the viewer freely draw letters and shapes on the canvas that reflect their inner thoughts and feelings, we create a small communication between the artist and the viewer. This process makes the work rich and fascinating. The drawing will be photographed and given to the recipient.

This method will take different forms depending on the artists who agree. The only way to have “street peace of art” is to use art to communicate and collaborate on the street. When the supporting artists present their work, they should only use the tag “#street_Peace_of_art”.

No matter what country, race, skin color, gender, age, or religion. Just be one person living your life dreaming of the future. If one day the whole world will join hands, and everyone will look up to the same sky, and become friends who share life, then that’s all that matters.

“street peace of art” in Taipei

※台湾展示ではキャンバスに文字を描いてもらうことからはじめました。たくさんの心のこもった文字を見ながら日本に持ち帰り私の描いたものは、画面いっぱいにさまざまなものが広がり、その上に大きなバラの花が浮かび上がりました。あとで調べてみるとバラはアメリカの国花でした。そう、偶然ですが次の street peace of art を示唆するかのように。(下記写真)

*For the Taiwan exhibition, I started by asking people to draw letters on the canvas. I brought the paintings back to Japan, looking at the many heartfelt letters, and found that various things were spread across the canvas, with a large rose floating on top of them. Later, I found out that the rose was the national flower of the United States. Yes, as if to suggest the next street peace of art, coincidentally. (see photo below)

次のニューヨークの「street peace of art」ではブラインドドローイングをした上に言葉を書いてもらいます。それを撮影したものを作品としていきます。これは、日々増加し続ける生きた作品となり、新たな発見や感動が生まれるでしょう。SNSなどにアップすることで、従来の展示方法では得られないコミュニケーションを提供し、観る人に新たに繋がる魅力と発見を提供します。展示期間に限らず、街の人々が絵画制作に参加し、描画を通じた意識のつながりを持つことで、新しいエネルギーを生み出すことができるでしょう。





In the next “street peace of art” in New York, we will ask the artists to write words on top of blind drawings. The work will be photographed and made into a work of art. This will be a living work of art that will continue to increase day by day, and new discoveries and impressions will be made; by uploading them to social networking sites, etc., it will provide communication that cannot be obtained through conventional exhibition methods, and will provide viewers with new connections and discoveries that are fascinating. Not only during the exhibition period, but also during the entire city, people will be able to participate in the creation of the paintings and create new energy by connecting their consciousness through the drawing process.

This project will not only provide individual communication and enjoyment. It also aims to contribute to the larger goal of creating a peaceful world. We hope that people around the world will connect through painting and share love and peace, and that it will become a “prescription” for building a happier and more peaceful society. You are free to choose how you want to paint, we just hope for world peace through communication. I believe that this activity will spread not only by me but also by sympathetic painters, spreading revelations around the world and creating inspiration for peace.

By everyone freely expressing their art and building a connection of the heart, the wish for peace will become one wave and spread. That is the powerful point of this project and our hope for the future. And this activity will bring new ideas and awareness to people, and the movement to realize peace will spread.

As people around the world connect through art, bring their hearts together, and expand the circle of hope for peace, peace may be attainable for everyone. We hope that our activities will influence as many people as possible and spread the seeds of peace. We believe that art that evokes empathy will lead people around the world to a happy future.

This NY project will be managed through crowdfunding.
We hope you will support us.
